Categories: Business, Corporate, Commercial Law Law Practice Skills


Nili, Yaron

Course Data

Pass/Fail: Yes

Past Grade Distributions (Fall '22 and onward)
Spring 2023 ZPO

Course Description

The National Transactional LawMeet is the premier “moot court” experience for students interested in a transactional practice. The Transactional LawMeet is designed to give law students a hands-on experience in developing and honing transactional lawyering skills, providing each participant a meaningful and engaging simulation of transactional practice. The Transactional LawMeet involves three distinct phases:
1. Students work in teams and prepare a proposed draft agreement based on a fact scenario provided by the Transactional LawMeet.
2. Each team writes mark-ups to draft agreements prepared by the opposing teams they will encounter during the Regional Rounds.
3. Opposing teams negotiate the contours of the deal. Each team will represent one of the two parties to the transaction.

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