Categories: Administrative and Regulatory Law


Levenson, Barry

Course Data

Room 5223
W 4:10pm-6:10pm

Pass/Fail: Yes

Course Description

Sharpen your most important legal skills while you snack. Students will write briefs and present oral arguments on the hottest topics in food law today. What is "natural?" Is Wisconsin's "Cheeseburger Law" unconstitutional? Can food executives be sent to prison for the negligence of their companies? Lots more, because in this class a J.D. is just a Jelly Doughnut. Eating in class is not only allowed, it is required

By the end of this course, students should understand:
1. How the law embodies our twelve expectations of food;
2. The history of food regulation in the United States and the relationship between the states and federal government in food oversight;
3. The role of litigation in protecting food safety and preventing food fraud;
4. The importance of core constitutional principles (First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Commerce Clause, and Supremacy Clause) in food law;
5. How the law may be used to advance a national food policy, including a healthier diet;
6. The role of the criminal law in advancing food safety.

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