Categories: Constitutional Law


Coleman, Franciska

Course Data

Room Remotely delivered: Synchronously
MW 1:10pm-2:30pm

Pass/Fail: Yes

Past Grade Distributions (Fall '22 and onward)
Spring 2023 ZPO

Course Description

This course covers civil and individual rights at the federal level. Emphasis is on the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment, including substantive due process, privacy, discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual preference and other characteristics, fundamental rights and affirmative action. The 1st Amendment is also reviewed, including the freedoms of speech, the press, association and religion.

Note: To prep for the Monday class session, students watch a lecture video and complete a group practice problem on their own before class; then each student group will have a 20 meeting with the Professor Coleman to discuss their answers to the practice problem.

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